I have been playing the sport of Boccia for 6 years now and have been an England athlete for 3 years. I started seeing Jo for Sport Psychology about a year and a half ago and she has been of immense help. We have mainly worked on my confidence levels within my sport and competition nerves. She has given me practical steps to improve my mindset and focus when it comes to competing and has greatly improved my confidence and self-belief. We have done lots of work on what resources I bring to the game of boccia, which is extremely useful to remind myself when self doubt creeps in. She has helped me focus on my technical process when competing which has greatly improved my performance during match play and when completing drills whilst attending England training camps. I now enjoy competitions and look forward to showing what I can achieve; whereas before I dreaded competitions and would worry I wasn’t good enough. I would highly recommend Jo and the Sport Psychology she delivers, it really does change your outlook and performance for the better.

June 22, 2017